Social Media – LinkedIn – Followers
-What are followers?
“Followers” are people on LinkedIn who are not directly connected to us, but are interested in our LinkedIn activity. Following a person or company on LinkedIn allows the follower to receive updates on content that they have posted publicly on LinkedIn. Followers can also request to make a connection.
-Why are followers useful?
Followers are useful as they help to promote the business as followers are interested in our activity. The more followers we have means our page is seen by more and more people. Having more followers means our page is more likely to appear in searches, and also increases the chance of our followers reposting our content through likes and shares. This means their connections will see our content and this process can help grow our page and business.
-How do we get more followers?
We can get more followers building up our company profile with regular posts and activity. We can also reach out to people and pages individually and as a company and follow them first, they may be likely to follow us back and help us to gain more followers.
We could:
Share photos/videos and post different media instead of just written posts
Include key words/hashtags in post description to optimise searches
Engage in LinkedIn groups, sharing our comments and insights
Aim to post around 20 times per month to your page. According to LinkedIn, posting at this frequency will allow your posts to reach approximately 60% of your followers.
Ask your employees to consistently share your page posts for maximum visibility