Have Junit, Mockito

Sam Hardy | Sunday, December 22nd, 2019

HEE/NHS had poor data synchronisation between TIS/ESR.

Our team leveraged extensive bi-directional integrations testing experience; including JUnit/Mockito:

-Created stubs with Mockito when implementing unit testing for Java based services (for upload/download to AWS S3, sending/receiving messages from/to RabbitMQ; MongoDB wrappers; TCS end-point-configuration; guaranteed-delivery; retry; dead-letter); leveraging JUnit, Test Containers and LocalStack  for testing.

-Collaborated on Testing Approach/Plan, developed acceptance criteria. Proposed BDD test plan to do system test with JBehave/Cucumber.

-Followed TDD and kept coding standard high by maintaining high code coverage.

This resulted in significantly improved Integration tests performance.


Filed under: Clients, Solutions