Experience of having successfully performed User-research to capture user needs and enhance a Digital Service from these

Sam Hardy | Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

Our team enhanced a digital service from captured user-needs through user research at Camden Council for Council house tenants:
-Reviewed existing documentation on council housing needs, processes and procedures.
-Collaborated with Camden Council SMEs, through interviews/workshops, to design/develop a questionnaire for current and prospective Council house tenants.
-Conducted face-to-face user research with current and prospective Council house tenants; establishing their needs including: current (maintenance) and prospective (bidding) complaints procedures.
-Worked with Council SMEs through workshops; establishing ‘To-Be’ model for complaints handling.
Outcome: ‘To-Be’ procedures tested at Alpha; subsequently becoming modules in Anite Housing Management System solution for Home Connections.

Filed under: Clients, Solutions