Experience of effective documentation and transition of products into a live services team, including resolving defects after launch
Sam Hardy | Thursday, July 6th, 2017
Our team transitioned the Brexit critical Customs Declaration Service into Production for HMRC:
-We developed a knowledge base using Neo-4J Graph-database, linking documentation to code and features; incorporating Service Management team as key stakeholders for content development.
-Created a Blue/Green architecture ensuring no Production down time.
-Developed a Deployment Data Manager tool to map code to deployable artefacts to environments; facilitating rapid fault finding, fix development and deployment.
-Created a HotFix pipeline; ensuring code fixes did not affect multiple development pipelines.
-Developed ‘play-lists’ and FAQs to Support Service Management.
-Provided 0800-1800 Monday to Friday developer support for defect resolution and extended 24x7 support around release time.