Experience, knowledge and understanding of Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes

Sam Hardy | Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

Our team has extensive ETL experience at Carnival Cruises; including:

Revenue Data Warehouse:

-Identified/analysed/modelled multiple/disparate sources of data; including legacy flat files/XML database/SQL databases (MS/Oracle)/Excel spreadsheets/binary/csv/text files. 

-Created domain/logical source data models.

-Created mapping documents/XSL transformation scripts/data models for staging (target) database.

-Meticulously tracked ETL process; ensuring dirty data identified/all source data accounted for in target system (successfully loaded/failures).

-Devised feedback/loops and audited/manual processes; updating/representing failed-records.


-Created automated-‘Knowledge Hub’ in Neo4j graph database; holding System Integration Team artifacts including: features/journeys/environments/systems/specifications/services/end points/schema/releases/programmes/projects details

-Extracted-data from Excel/XML-docs/Flat Files/DB-Schematic-Dumps/HTML-page-scraping/log-files.

-Transformed the input-data to CSV files or Cypher command files through XSLT.

-Loaded into Neo4J using Neo4j web browser and Neo4J Import Tools.

-Direct MySQL database loading into Neo4J using neo4apis-activerecord.

Resultant knowledge hub is used for management-information-dashboard and single-source-of-truth for development/service-management.


Filed under: Clients, Solutions