Added Value – Set out any innovative, unique or additional experience, service or offer you would bring

Sam Hardy | Thursday, September 15th, 2016

Problem: HMRC Systems-Integration-team had an expensive out-sourcing model.
Our team worked collaboratively with the client team to setup a new Development & Delivery capability of 200+; implementing agile Process Improvements:
-Kanban - used to connect elements of SDLC together and facilitate deployments.
-Kaizen - instilled a culture of self-improvement to generate multiple improvement opportunities.
-Lean - eliminated waste from existing processes.
-Templating - improved standardisation, reuse and productivity for backlog management.
-Introduced Automation/CI/CD/DevOps culture promoting collaboration and reuse.
-Championed Blue/Green-deployments and HotFix-pipeline.
Outcome: Halved development time compared to third-party supplier. Deployments as needed compared to fortnightly. Eliminated downtime on upgrade.

Filed under: Agile Delivery, HMRC, Solutions