New Business App – Stakeholder Analysis

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We will conduct structured interviews with stakeholders of (insert client) to ensure that their needs and views are understood and accounted for in the research process. We completed (insert number) of  interviews with stakeholders all of which were employees of (insert client). The interviews took place in (insert months). See Annex A for a full list of interview participants. Detailed notes from each interview will be stored at (insert location).

Stakeholders are open and honest about the advantages and disadvantages of current methods. Many rightly express pride in the rigour of current processes, and the efforts devoted to achieving usable data. But there is considerable appetite to shift to processes that might lead to more integrated systems.

Key Findings

Purpose and Demand

Are stakeholders clear why this Service exists?

Issues With the Current Process

Do stakeholders mention issues with the current processes?

Opportunities for Improvement

Have stakeholders identified improvement opportunities?